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Living with a Thai Girlfriend

Here are a few tips and words of wisdom about living with Thai girlfriends from a Farang (Foreigner) who has resided in Thailand for many years.

In order for your relationship with your Thai girlfriend to run smoothly you might find that you have to treat your Thai girlfriend like you would a child. There will be living together issues that crop up from time to time.

There will be things that she does that you just can't tolerate. Like having the TV turned up loud enough to hear it at the next Seven Eleven shop while she is watching her favorite Thai soapy program. Most Thai girls love a Thai soapy and enjoy it loud.

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Imagine this, you are living with your Thai girlfriend, she is watching the Thai soap opera then suddenly she decides that she wants to do something else like eat or sleep. Does she turn the TV off? No! She just walks away and leaves it roaring.

Hey, who pays the electricity bills? You right?

Of course one way to solve the loud TV problem is to rent a condo that has a lounge room and bedroom. Or you could rent a two bedroom house.

That way you can enjoy the convenience of separate rooms. Being able to do that will depend on your budget. Click here for more tips about living with a Thai girlfriend.

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In Pattaya, Phuket, or Bangkok you and your Thai girlfriend could rent a single room condo of around 38 sq.m. for about 5,000 baht per month. A two room condo unit could cost you double or more.

You will just have to find a place to live that you and your girlfriend feel happy with. However I highly advise you to go for the extra room if you can afford it. There will be more issues than a loud TV that you will have to address.

Extract from "After-The-Rush" an eBook about living with a Thai girlfriend.
Another way to solve the noise pollution problem created by your Thai girlfriend is to buy a set of cordless headphones that your TEERUK can wear each time she wants to watch her favorite soap opera while you are in the room.

You may wonder “What the heck just let her go for it”. But I can guarantee you will become irritated by a bunch of amateur movie stars screaming and squawking in your living space like a flock of wounded crows. And it will not just be 30 minutes.

Some of these Thai soapy programs go on for two hours or more. If you do purchase the headset you will have to train your TEERUK to wear them during the TV soapy.

Getting her to actually wear the headphones while she is watching TV will become one of your “living together rules”.

Even if you can afford to rent more space you will still have to invent some “living together rules”. You have to control these irritating issues or they will drive you crazy and your honeymoon will soon come to a halt. You will begin to change your view about your lovely TEERUK.

Thai Girlfriend Living Together Rules


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